Parent Communication

At Laramie Montessori School we believe that communication is essential for parents students and staff. We provide many forms of communication from the school to parents and students. Please make sure that if you do not have email or if you do not have internet you let the office know so that we can send paper copies home with your child.

Parent e-Newsletter

The Parent e-Newsletter is an emailed newsletter for flyers and information to meet Laramie Montessori School's goal to go paperless! This email is sent out usually once a week based on the number of flyers and information that needs to be sent home. Christina Clar, Administrative Assistant, sends out this email to parents also using MailChimp.

Classroom Newsletters and Emails

Classroom newsletters or emails are sent every week or when necessary by teachers. Parents only receive newsletters or emails from teachers for the classrooms that their children are attending.


Our website here has up-to-date events, news, and our school calendar. It is a great resource for parents to check and see any information they may have missed.

Papers Sent Home

Laramie Montessori School is trying to go paperless but at times we will send home reminders, RSVPs, and other forms that need to be filled out. Classrooms will also occasionally send papers home for parents.

If you do not have or do not use email addresses please contact the office and let us know so that we can send everything you need home.

Progress Reports, Report Cards & Parent-Teacher Conferences

Progress Reports, Report Cards, and Parent-teacher Conferences are a great time for parents to find out how their child or children are doing. ACSD#1 has a semester reporting schedule for report cards with two progress reports for the first and third quarters.

The hope is that parents will get a better idea of how their child is progressing throughout the year by having the progress reports line up with the parent-teacher conferences and the report cards going out before winter break and at the end of the school year.

Questions or Concerns

At any time if you as a parent have a question or concern please contact your child's teacher and address it. If for any reason you do not feel comfortable discussing your question or concern with your child's teacher please contact our Director, Jeff Verosky. Teachers may also contact you at times with questions, concerns, or a great story to share about your child and we ask that you please understand that we do this to provide the best education that we can for your child.